Desktop App: Network Requirements

The Desktop App has specific network requirements including a persistent Internet connection. If you are in a restricted network environment (corporate), changes to the network (firewall, …) may be required in order for the app to function correctly. Contact your network / IT department for help; this is not something GoToTags can do.

Internet Access

The Desktop App has been designed to be a Cloud connected app that requires a persistent Internet connection. The Desktop App can not work without an Internet connection. On app startup, and regularly throughout the app running it will check for an active Internet connection. In general, an Internet connection is required for the following:

  • Account authentication and authorization
  • Project management
  • Cloud tag, encoding and interactions
  • Billing
  • App updates
  • Configuration
  • Webhooks
  • Help links and content

If a persistent Internet connection does not work in your environment, we suggest you use alternate software.

External Domains

The Desktop App connects to the following wildcard domains via HTTPS. In the case of a restricted network environment, these domains must be allowed through the firewall, or the entire computer put in a DMZ. Additional domains may be added in future versions without notice.

  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *

Inbound Connections

The Desktop App listens on port 63282 for inbound connections. Currently, this port does not need to be accessible externally or be opened in the firewall for inbound connections. This may change in the future if push events are implemented.

  • Account authentication
    • Used for a localhost browser redirect