Desktop App Release v4.21.0

The Desktop App v4.21.0 was released on November 19th, 2024. This release adds support for printing and encoding NFC tags on supported Zebra printers.


The following are new and improved features for the Desktop App. If you would like to see a specific addition to the Desktop App, request a feature.

  • Added support for Zebra ZT610 and ZP 450 printers
  • Added the Print Tag operation for printing small quantities of simple labels
  • Added the Print and Encode NFC Tags operation for printing and encoding large quantities of tags
  • GoToTags Desktop App operation files can now be drag-and-dropped into the app from the file system

Bug Fixes

The following are new bug fixes in the Desktop App. If you find a bug in the Desktop App, submit a bug report.

  • Fixed an issue where the save-as-copy button in encoding operations would save the file in an invalid format
  • Fixed an issue with serial devices (UHF readers and barcode scanners) that caused them to use a significant amount of CPU, causing poor performance
  • Code scanners on Linux will now detect immediately rather than taking over 5 seconds
  • Reverted a change that stopped corrupted NDEF formatted tags from having their memory read in NFC Tag Tools
  • Improved error handling throughout the app to deliver more detailed error messages
Scaling production for UHF RFID tags
NFC wine labels
NXP NTAG 424 DNA NFC tag chip support in enabled by the GoToTags Desktop App
GoToTags featured in the Spokane Journal of Business