Increasing political campaign fundraising donations with NFG Tags image of I Voted sticked on an American flag with the NFC symbol overlay

Increasing Political Campaign Fundraising with NFC Tags

From local candidates to the national stage, most political campaigns rely on supporter donations to fund their activities and outreach. With tight timelines and growing ad costs, candidates and their campaign teams are pressured to raise as much campaign funding as quickly as possible. NFC (Near Field Communication) technology offers potential donors an easy and accessible way to donate and interact with political campaigns.

Churches and Charities Double Donations with NFC Tags

Churches and Charities Double Donations with NFC Tags

Donations are the lifeblood of churches and charities. They are essential for maintaining day-to-day operations and serving their communities. However, traditional donation methods face significant challenges in our increasingly cashless society. Near Field Communication (NFC) technology offers a modern solution, bridging the gap between donors and organizations striving to raise more funds. By leveraging secure NFC tags and their capabilities, churches and charities can enhance their fundraising efforts and double the donations received.

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Radar Skis Builds Direct-to-Customer Communication With Embedded NFC Tags

Ecommerce allows firms to sell direct, controlling the entire customer experience and collecting valuable information about who is buying their products. Selling through a retail channel rather than direct makes the customer experience unpredictable and makes durable, intensive customer relationships difficult to build. This is a particular concern for products that are typically sold through retail distribution yet require nuanced customer engagement.

salvation army kettle pay nfc

Salvation Army Introduces Kettle Pay for Mobile NFC Donations

Consumers are quickly becoming less and less reliant on carrying physical cash. With debit cards, credit cards, and now even more secure mobile payment solutions approaching universal acceptance, consumers can shop, run errands and navigate day-to-day life without cash. For many, this shift has simplified life, but for organizations like The Salvation Army that are heavily reliant on spontaneous in-person donations, our increasingly cashless society has proved problematic. To adapt to this cashless world in the 2019 holiday season, The Salvation Army worked with both ClearScale and GoToTags to develop a seamless, intuitive mobile payment solution.

Cooper Hewitt museum nfc tag

Cooper Hewitt Engages Museum Visitors With NFC Tags

After closing museum doors for an extensive 3 year renovation project, Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian  design museum, located in the Carnegie Mansion in New York City, reopened December 2014 with an exciting NFC project used to engage visitors. Cooper Hewitt chose GoToTags to help integrate NFC technology to create unique interactive gallery exhibits.

khushi baby nfc tag india health medical mobile phone

Khushi Baby Uses NFC Tags to Increase Medical Care in India

In India, it is traditional for babies to wear black thread necklaces as good luck charms for health and good fortune. Now Khushi Baby, an organization hoping to help resolve vaccination issues is using similar necklaces combined with NFC technology to revolutionize medical care for children.

marijuana track trace inventory nfc label

Dauntless Software Traces Legal Marijuana with NFC Labels

Now that voters in several states have elected to legalize marijuana for adult use, governments are grappling with how to regulate a new industry based on a plant that is still a federally controlled substance. Colorado and Washington have implemented so-called seed-to-sale traceability systems that mandate the tracking of every plant, seed, and end product in the legal system.

swivelCard intelliPaper business card nfc qr barcode usb paper

NFC, QR and USB Enabled Business Cards by swivelCard

Working smarter, having more information and giving more information, is what inspired the people at intelliPaper to create swivelCard—a smartcard for the business world. intelliPaper has developed a way to turn standard paper into a USB drive and integrated this patented process into business cards.

sony custom nfc tag frosh carnival canada

Sony Uses Cloud Connected Custom NFC Tags to Promote Hi-Res Audio Experience

Each year over 100,000 students across Ontario and Quebec, Canada celebrate Frosh Carnival, an event that brings together a young and captive audience to meet new people, socialize with their peers, and sample cutting edge, innovative products. Sony Canada took part in Frosh Carnival this summer and promoted NFC technology along with their Hi-Res Audio products.

arkon car dock nfc task launcher shortcut

Arkon Car Dock with NFC Sticker for in Car Automation

Arkon, a leading global manufacturer and supplier of mobile mounting solutions and accessories has increased its suite of products to help improve your driving experience.